Radon Testing Study Overview
In the winter of 2018 to 2019, 1,047 households participated in KFL&A Public Health’s Radon Testing Study and measured radon levels in their homes. The results of this study showed that 1 in 2 homes had level above the WHO’s recommended level and 1 in 4 homes were above Canada’s, much higher, threshold for mitigation.
52% of homes tested above the World Health Organization’s radon guideline of 100 Bq/m3*.
21% of homes tested above Health Canada’s much higher radon guideline of 200 Bq/m3.
Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco smoke and is estimated to cause 21 percent of lung cancer deaths in the KFL&A region. Did you know that it is 7 times more likely to get lung cancer from Radon than second hand smoke?
The Results of the Study
The results of the first phase of KFL&A Public Health’s Radon Testing Study clearly demonstrate that residents in the region are at risk of exposure to radon. Their conclusion recommendations included:
The KFL&A region has high levels of radon in many homes
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, only behind smoking
The only way to know your home’s radon level is to test
It is possible to significantly lower your homes radon levels
Consult with a certified professional on how to test, interpret and act on your radon results.
*Bq (Becquerel) is a measure of radioactive decay.